Mystic Degree Programs
Many Pathways Illuminate Our Way
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NOTE: Download the Traveler Initial Interest Application to your computer before you complete it.
Some people experience the Sun rise in the morning and think nothing of it aside from the observation that they enjoy it so; continuing their day onward to the local coffee shop for an espresso or to the theater to see the new summer box office hit film on whatever the entertainment news told them to check out.
Some people experience the Sun in its many stages and ask themselves: Why is it here? What are you? Where did it come from? What governs the nature of the elements that cause it to shine? What exactly is the sensation known as “warm”? How many other “Sun stars” are in the universe? Just how expansive is the universe? What is the nature of gravity and magnetics as it relates to the Sun, to the Earth, and to our physical form as Humans? Who am I? Where did I come from? Why do I wonder so intensely on the nature of the world around me and within me? Why am I so unfulfilled without these answers?
Travel with us...
Follow the subtext...
If you are of the mindset as explained in the second Sun observer then our mystic rites are for you as this is where we live. If you are of the mindset as explained in the first Sun observer but are interested in what the second Sun observer sees then our mystic rites are for you. However, if you are of the mindset as explained in the first Sun observer and aren’t interested in the mindset of the second Sun observer then continue on your daily life journey with no further consideration.
Our founder states that we should “Always seek the answers, enjoy the journey” and we have created an entire monk monastery that reflects this philosophy.
We don’t just accept the answers as defined by the traditions we as humans hold so dear but rather we dedicate ourselves to uncovering the mysteries that envelope the space between the atoms that create our physical form; that is to say that we explore everywhere, all of the time, everything.
Our programs create modern day mystic monks that are able to conclave with each other on the beautiful enigmas and mystic rites of the universe as well as travel the world in research of these answers without feeling marginalized, alone, crazy, or pseudo. To become a monk within our guild one must not only submit to the permanent lifestyle of Veganism, but one must also come ready to take on the challenges on a pathway of study more intense in pressure than the environment that creates diamonds, more expansive than the enigma of that which is outside of the observable universe itself, and more deep than the nature of the subatomic particles that surround the atomic structures that create all of life – that is to say it is not easy but that the reward for completing its rigorous challenges are as satisfying as the feeling of the summer sun on the skin, water to the dehydrated, or rest to the exhausted.
If you are a Second Sun Observer and you wish to venture down our pathway fill out the application by clicking on the button below. Our mystic monks will review your application, reach out to you, answer any additional questions you might have, and give every applicant the chance to join us.
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SAAMR, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. We will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the bases of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.